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Changing scale of "World"


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Is there a way to globally change the scale of a project? For example, I have several projects that I need to size upwards. Originally since I had models that were very small and very large in the same project, I created everything to actual size. One EU unit = 1 meter.

The problem is that some of the models are comprised of many pieces that together are only 4cm long. I have since discovered that quite a few plugins and shaders don't work at that size due to rounding errors.

I have tried to parenting everything to a null and enlarging it by 10,000 or so in scale but some plugins such as Placer Deposit don't honor the scaling even with 'inherit' selected. Is there a way to scale globally? as in just move the decimal points over 4 places for the whole project? Thanks. -Derryl

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Ola Derryl,

You can try to merge the project with “Merge Project using parent node” checked, then in the link window, turn the “inherit scale” on to all groups, but plug-ins have their own engine and world, so, its complex.

If you dont have Placer animated, you could try to export it to bake the geometry and then re-import again, with inherit scale, it will work.



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