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Importing .obj models with textures


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Hello, I am using v8 and I am unable to import any models with textures regardless of what I try. I downloaded a free model from XFrog.com with textures already applied. (Bristlecone Pine http://xfrog.com/product/X-16.html)

The .obj file comes in as one object with no textures. The textures are definitely there as I can see them when importing into other programs such as FormZ or Balancer. In FormZ I can break the model apart and reimport it back into EI but the normals are wrong so you can't accurately apply new textures to the leaf planes. Even a simple sphere with a texture gets stripped when importing into EI.

Is there a tried and true method for bringing in models with textures? Thanks. -Derryl

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Have you used transporter to convert the .obj into fact. formz can also saved out to .fact too i am sure. that will fix the problem. as for the textures i think you just need to apply them in the martial editor and then make sure it use's the uvs from the model for it to work. i still only have EIAS 6.5 but thats how i do it. Still waiting for V9 that is going to have a new import system so the use of transporter will not be needed. hope that helps you. transporter should be installed in the EIAS folder. loads of options there to play with enjoy.

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Joe, thanks. UV was the key to getting this to work correctly. I haven't been able to use Transporter for years, a PowerPC/Rosetta casualty. But I do have FormZ and that got the file in separated.

Diego, thanks for the offer. I was able to do it through FormZ. Man, what a pain it is that they don't sell Object2Fact anymore.

For anyone that is interested, here is what I did to get it to work:

- Opened the .obj file in FormZ. I used v7 but 6.7 worked too.

- Use the Separate tool. This gives you about 12k objects.

- Open the Bark and Leaves textures and make sure the Texture and Clip maps are connected.

- Select by 'similar texture' and move to separate respective groups. In the model above there are 8k leaves.

- Export as .fact / by Group / Facetted / Triangulate all Facetted / 'with textures', TIFF.

- In EI import the .fact file.

- Select all of the leaves (which should be in its own group) and select one of the leaves and under 'object info' select Shading / Texture / Use UV Space. Then Right Click and in the pull-down select 'Set Selected'

- You may have to enlarge the textures and then copy it to the Clipping Path under Geometry and replace the image with the supplied clip image. But that's about it.

- I had issues with EI not remembering where the texture was and giving an error "Texture can't be found on volume Texture" but closing and reopening EI made it look for it so I could reconnect it.




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