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Everything posted by apu

  1. Ok, Thank you, i'll try that!. Anyway, the negativa z feature is for sure something that needs to be improved.
  2. Here it is BOTELLA COCACOLA.zip
  3. Hi, First of all Happy new year!!!. I'm trying to texture a coke bottle, and I have a problem (as always) with the negative-z. I have a bottle modeled that has a thickness, and the inside is full with liquid. I apply the coca cola logo to the bottle using cylindrical projection. The problem is that the logo is projected on the inside of the model, and obviously, I don't want that, as in the real life, the logo is only "painted" on the outside of the bottle. Attached I leave an image that may help you understand what I'm trying to explain. Thank you!!!
  4. Thanks for your answer. That's what I did
  5. Thanks for your answer. That's what I did
  6. Hi, I'm trying to apply a texture to just one side of a plane. I uncheck negative z, but it appears on both sides. I have always found pretty difficult this feature in EIAS. Does anyone know how to explain it?. I've watched Ian's tutorial but when I try to do it one a plane imported from Silo or a Ubershape plabe it doesnt work. Help, please!!!
  7. Hi, I'm trying to apply a texture to just one side of a plane. I uncheck negative z, but it appears on both sides. I have always found pretty difficult this feature in EIAS. Does anyone know how to explain it?. I've watched Ian's tutorial but when I try to do it one a plane imported from Silo or a Ubershape plabe it doesnt work. Help, please!!!
  8. Are you there?. When are you coming?. Supper is getting cold
  9. Hi, does anybody know why I can't watch the rodeo tutorials on the EIAS website?. It says that they are only a Vimeo plus feature.
  10. Thanks, that's exactly what I was asking. Damn autofill of the ipad
  11. Fichare, how do you mame so many instances of the rocks in the rodeo examole?. One by one?
  12. Here is a little test I did, just for fun. Edit. I'm trying to upload it but doesn't let me. Sometimes it tells me that the file format is not supportrd, other times is the file size. Oh, well...
  13. Hi, I'm working on a project that is at 25 fps. If I render it directly thru camera, it renders fine. If I enable network rendering, and render with renderama, it comes at 26,087 fps. Anyone knows why?. It's a pain in the ass not being able to use all my renderama slaves., specially in long animations. If I interprate the footage in After effects and force the clip to run at 25 fps, it doesn't matter, everything is mnessed up. It's critical when you are doing camera tracking, becouse the image doesn't stick to the original footage. Thanks!!
  14. Stop motion. I did something like this a few years ago And found it easier to do it stop motion.
  15. What i usually do is rendir the whole sequence And them render only the objects in the foreground in another sequence. Then in aftereffects place the whole sequence below And set to multiply. Duplicate this layer And set it to normal. And place on top the render with the foreground objects. Then tell the duplicated layer to use the alpha channel of the layer of the foreground objects. Hope this helps
  16. Here is a small clip of a 3D tracking and compositing experiment, just for fun Joker Thinkwild.mov
  17. Thank you tom!!! Actually i found that is better not to include the object in the influence deformación area, becouse if i do what you say, the object gets too deformed. If its not included, it follows the spring animation, but mantains its proportions
  18. Hi, I need to do an animation of a spring that is jumping from a box. It's like those clown toys that come from a box attached to a spring. I have the animation of the spring already set up, but I'm facing a problem and I have no clue of how to solve it. I need my "toy" to be attached to the upper side of the spring so it follows the animation of the spring as it bends. (by the way, I've animated the spring using deformers, shear for the up and down swing (keyframe), and bend for the spring shape. The spring (muelle in spanish as it's called in the project window) is attached to a cylinder with inherit deformation on with a bend deformer for the left and right swing. (This deformer is animated via cell animation with spring)). How I attach the cube of the project to the upper side of the spring? Please, help, I'm in a hurry cause I've to finish this project and I've no clue of how to achieve it!!! Thank you very much Attached is the project. Spring test.prj.zip
  19. Pretty cool!!! Hahahaha, no, I'm not your hero. I didn't animate the model. It's the walk cycle by Alonzo (the merit is his). I just attached a simple person model to the bones, just for the fun of trying to see if we could do clothing on EIAS. After trying, and trying, and trying, it's like you say. SimCloth is a great plug in for basic clothing, but as far as clothing people, it's not so great. By the way, great sim!!!!. It looks great!!!. I did some sims changing the gown to a simple cape, and it looked fine. But couldn't control it very well (The cape turned around his neck). And I had another problem. In the sim, and preview, the clothind didn't intersect the body, but when I did the render it was happening all the time. The preview didn't exactly match the final render (I had the same subdivisions for animator and camera), and I don't know why. Anyway, thanks alot for your time. I guess all of us have learned some new stuff playing with it. I hope someday soon someone will release a new simcloth version more stable. It's so fun to play with soft body dynamics!!!! Thank you!!!!
  20. Pretty cool!!!. The texture is a texture map or a shader?
  21. I would do it in After Effects.Trapcode Particular is the way to go.
  22. Happy B-Day!!!!. Wish you the best Tom!!!!
  23. Thanks Tom. Here I send you the model. It's just a test model, nothing fancy. I made a cylinder in Silo and exported as obj. By the way, is obj the only format that exports UVs?. Because if I export to 3ds (that gives me better results, because when I export to obj my object is flipped over Y axis, don't know why) I loose the UV information. It's too bad that SILO still doesn't export fact format, because with version 2.2 I'm not able to open it with Rosseta. Well, hope to hear from you. Thanks!!! MODELS.zip
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