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Everything posted by yhloon

  1. to position a groups along a grid, try turn on the caps lock key to enable snapping, in the preferences there is a "grid and sacle" tab, where you can set the snapping grid hope this help
  2. Alex, Thanks for the info! I'm going to download Hexagone right now.... ;)
  3. Clean up my room recently and found some old magazine with EI's articles and advertisement, plus an article of Steve Jobs in year 1984 here are the link to the albumn http://s30.photobucket.com/albums/c336/yhloon/Old%20Magazine%20snapshot/
  4. Check this out! anyone who own an ipad should give it a try, the best thing of this amazing tool is FREE:D, hopefully it can export to obj or 3ds http://itunes.apple.com/pl/app/treepad/id421230117?mt=8 http://vimeo.com/27366282
  5. :blush:I never knew that Blender Fluid can bring into EIAS, Thanks for sharing Frank! :D
  6. I can't open the file with my PC, the file is corrupted
  7. 1. make your neon objects a selection set 2. give some luminance (it will illuminate the scene if you use GI together) and glow to the objects 3. in the world info go to Glow tab, add a new Glow layer, than add the selection set into this glow layer thats all attached a quick sample, hope this will help neon.zip
  8. a little info from youtube... copy from here http://www.youtube.com/t/howto_makevideo
  9. wow, The best 3D modeling I ever seen! Congrats! :)
  10. http://insight3d.sourceforge.net/ I never use this before, hope this is the one you are looking for....
  11. all the best to the people of Japan, with the strong heart & great discipline, I believe the people of Japan can overcome any worst situation
  12. Hi Aziz, here are the download link of the project file http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18962693/prismboard/prismBoardXP.zip actually the code are very simple, just 3 lines...
  13. a prism sign board that use createUV to help me place the texture in world coordinate , and XP to control the rotation of the prism, this two plugin save me lots of time! http://dl.dropbox.com/u/18962693/prismboard/prismBoardXP.mov
  14. There is a plugin call CreateUV, maybe that will help
  15. if I remember correctly the messiah mdd export is imperfect, and there is another better plugin call fastMDD, cost around $40
  16. Thanks Diego I read that Normality have some kind of Toon shade features, is it usable?
  17. anyone try this AE plugin before? http://www.minning.de/software/normality
  18. Hi! As what Ross mention above, more information is needed What is the config incorrect message? And how is your PC set up, is it network with more than 1 PC or 1 local PC with multi core processor? Loon :D
  19. I use PC, Just did a test between V7 & V8 V7 fade the shadow nicely, but V8 only render a solid shadow, seems like a bug to me, will report to Bug Tracker
  20. a normal open GL game card like GTX 460 is good enough for EI, workstation card Fire GL or Quadro have no advantage over those game card in EIAS
  21. can't believe it is all 3D ! my 3D skill still far far away....shame
  22. Thanks for the info, just place my order, can't resist the bargain
  23. it works! Tomas, just turn off the UAC then restart PC, that's all... I have added a new reply after our conversation actually, but that "particular" reply shows under the post no. 3, strange...... still not familiar with MyBB
  24. Hi Tomas, thanks for the quick reply, I follow the instruction to lower down the slider or completely turn of the notification, but still have no luck to run EI8 I'm thinking of trying install EI7, to see whether it will run, I'm not sure it is a dongle issue or some plugin/shader incompatible with Windows 7 errrr it works now! I completely turn off the UAC, than Restart the laptop, now EI8 start and run smoothly! thanks Tomas!
  25. I've a laptop running Windows 7 (the laptop never intend to run any 3D apps actually:D), Try to install EI8 this morning, after fill in the details and the authorization code, when I click the "Authorize" button, EI crash immediately, not sure what is going wrong here... restart EI8 again, but it require an authorization again, so I download a new dongle driver -the Sentinel 7.6.1, spend some time to make it recognize the duo dongle, then start EI8 again but it still crash after hitting the "Authorize" button wondering anyone successfully install and run EI8 in Windows 7 ?
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