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  1. Greetings fellow EI users, I posted an FX build for a shot I recently completed for a short film called Lions Among Men, directed by the talented miss Traci Hays: The description on the Vimeo page pretty much sums up the process: As visual effects supervisor on Lions Among Men, this was the most complex shot that I completed. It was tracked in SynthEyes, the ships were from turbo squid and the sailors from Poser 7. All of the models were retextured and lit in ElectricImage. The passes were composited in Log to match the cineon scans with Adobe After Effects. Please visit LionsAmongMenMovie.com for more information about the film. About the only thing missing is the fact that I used obj2fact to pass the poser models to EI. It was a challenging and fun shot to do. I could sure use 16-bit log space renders, though! (oh, and some sort of 'sticky' camera map!) Thanks for looking, Jason Beckwith
  2. Thanks... Yup. It was Rodeo. I played for a long time with getting the shallow DOF to work in EI, but ended up using a depth pass for faking it in AE. We are getting closer to releasing a trailer as opposed to the teaser... Keep an eye in about 3 weeks.
  3. Well... Unfortunately, that'll be it. It lives as is, and won't be revisited. While I'd love to finish it up, we've got the next trailer, as well as an FX heavy 25 minutes of short film to complete. But if you are into diesel-punk, retro-futuristic alternative history stories about spies in WWII, you should be in for a treat. It's also pretty unlikely that EI will factor into the final piece, as we have a VFX team working on it now, and they're all like, "Electric What!?!". As DoP, my duties will now only be consulting on the digital intermediate and application of the psuedo-hdr effect on the footage. Jason
  4. Yup. Good advice. I've done the propeller thingy before. EI does a weird thing with the motion blur on the spinning props, where it ends up looking square, instead of round. Like I said, this was just a proof of concept that got picked up before it was ready. There's a laundry list of things that I wanted to do, such as add more ground crew and vehicles, add some antenna's and anti-aircraft guns to the roof, paint in doors and windows, add more layers of clip or alpha mapped greenery for increased parallax, and actually texture the plane instead of just slapping a couple of materials on it. I think that I did this whole animation in about 14 hours, not including the render time. I probably spent longer on the falling shells than the plane! Working full time + on corporate videos, and shooting these fun projects for free on the side can be pretty taxing when you have 2 kids! I'm happy enough with what we got out of it, and the response to the teaser on the internet. Now, I've shot the whole 25 minute short film, and the guys that do 3d, all-day-every-day, can do a far better job on the final than I did with the teaser. I can't wait to see a full rough cut of it!
  5. Greetings all, I'm a very long time EI user, but currently work mostly as an editor and Director of Photography. I was playing around with some concept animatics for Project Arbiter, a 25 minute short film that I was working on. I ended up co-editing the teaser trailer and creating all of the motion graphics for it. I also shot all of the footage in the teaser on Red. The two EI shots are the plane coming out of the Hanger and the shells falling over type at the end. While the plane shot was incomplete, and more of just a proof of concept, the Director liked it enough to put it in the trailer. It's funny, because it looks glaringly CG to me but quite a few people have asked where we got access to the plane. Wish I'd had time to finish it properly! Just thought that I'd share: More info can be found at the official site: http://projectarbiter.com Technical camera info can be found here: http://reduser.net/forum/showthread.php?t=41603 Enjoy, Jason Beckwith
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