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Posts posted by Cj_

  1. IIRC, the v7 is compatible with v8... I dont recall having outstanding issues. According to my notes, v7 was fixed and running Jan of this year.

    If there are issues, let me know and I can address them. (FYI, was out on a MUCH needed vacation so missed the post the first time.)


  2. thanks. For loops work yes but I could never get them to work with what I wanted, like I wrote above, although, this was in the XP that came with v 5.5

    with the for loop we have passed 1 variable, the counter variable, x (whatBug). There are still 4 variables (movement_X, movement_Y, amplitude, rate) that need to be passed so, is this where you would use a container null? I assume you would make a new null for each bug and fill the x y and z position with data?

    Yes... the x,y,a & rate are numbers calculated from changes.... and you need the amp/rate from the previous frame... have a look at this project I did a number of years ago which recreates a rope.


    (and others http://www.cjberg.com/EI/)


  3. I have taken code from flash and rewritten it to XP with no issues...

    can you please provide a snippet of code you are having issues with... there are a lot of directions I could recommend, but it is nearly impossible without knowing some level of detail. I am not trying to steal code, just provide help.

    custom variables might be solved with nulls... as nulls can store data through frames. One difference between Flash & Xp is that you can declare a variable in flash, and read it the next frame. Not so with XP... so if you store data in a null, you can have access to it by using the [frame-1] reference.


  4. Hi.

    Can you write custom functions in the latest XP? If so what is the correct syntax?

    I always get errors when trying to write a function like in javascript, for example, and I'm beginning to think I'm missing something really obvious somewhere?

    If not, how do people organize and reuse code? multiple instances of XP? Is the custom channel functionality in XP (which I've never used) something that could be useful here?


    I do not have xp open, but iirc, you need to organize your code to not use functions... unless you do it craftily... I use nulls as containers for storing variables and data.

    Let me know what you are trying to do, and I am happy to help create the code.


  5. Is there a 1:1 correlation to the fact and the mdd?

    iirc, I should have a fact cube and mdd cube animation in my way-back archives. I thought I provided that (via beta platter) though?


    Hi All

    We're working with MDD import for EI. It's designed as a free plug-in,

    EI8 compatible. We hope to finish it in first half of February. Although

    mdd format is pretty simple, we've some problems caused by FACT data

    representation is different compare to others apps. Thus your help

    would be very wanted. For testing we need:

    1) mdd files

    2) corresponded FACT files

    Note that "1" makes no sense without "2" because mdd stores vertices

    but nothing more. The FACT should be a single file that corresponds

    exactly to one of mdd frames (typically first).


    EIAS3D Team

  6. David, I use FormZ 6.6 for the exact stuff and EI Modeller for the freeform and things to get out quick. It's still pretty solid for me, just need to save a lot to keep it from crashing (and turn off tooltips). Using Mac OS 10.5.8. I have heard that 10.6 finally broke it though.

    If Rhino was Mac I would switch immediately. I have been beta-testing the mac version but they are taking forever. It seems that both EI and Rhino are racing to get there modelers out for Mac (on very slow horses..) -Derryl

    I use EIM on 10.5.8 & 10.6.2 with no problems... I will have days of modeling with little to no issues. Tool tips must be off... they will crash EIM instantly. But admittedly, I use the Ubers mostly.


  7. Hi All,

    Over the past several years I've been involved in projects that require me to work with others. Most use something other than EIAS. This creates all sorts of issues when it comes to asset sharing. Projects need to be broken down carefully to avoid disasters.

    The FBX import that was added several years ago has helped a great deal in making this sort of work more feasible. What has frustrated me is the lack of FBX export. Explaining to clients and producers that I can get stuff in but not out is becoming frustrating and is cutting me out of projects. Please include FBX export and (any other file sharing functions) that will help to permit assets to move smoothly both in and out of EIAS from other programs . The more smoothly we can talk to other programs the more likely EIAS will be integrated in company's pipelines.

    As a sub topic the most pressing issue for me has been import and export of camera moves to and from other programs. Syntheyes tracking software while used only occasionally is my hero when it comes to export support. It would be really cool if we could have that sort of export flexibility.

    Looking at the other requests that have already appeared here improved and simple file sharing appears to be a really important issue to most folks.

    Bill Dempsey

    Would love to see further integration of FBX also... But, I may be a little off, is FBX still a current format? or are there newer formats being used?


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