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Posts posted by davidwu67

  1. Hi, I always use obj format for models I buy from places like turbosquid and rarely have problems importing with the new 9.0/9.1 obj importer.  obj is the best, much better than 3ds or FBX.


    But there are some rare cases where an obj would open in Maya, Blender, Photoshop CS but not EI.  Usually I resave in Blender or save the model as several parts and it would work.  Since Blender is free, maybe you can try that?


    - David

  2. Hi, I have a potential still rendering that needs to show a 3D text being shattered kind of like glass.

    Looks like precutting the model then using Blaster is the way to go?

    Question, any knows if Blaster is UB and works reliably in EIAS v8? Also, seems like Rodeo would can also achieve something similar?

    Any suggestions?



  3. Hi I've been rendering lots of particles (PPP and Dante) with Renderama and I have a pretty consistent crash in Rama:

    A window pops up and say:

    Assertion failed on line 829 of file /Volumes/ProgramHD/EIAS8.0/EIAS Project/Renderama Sources/Rm/private/Rm_renderamaControl.cpp

    This happens all the time when I have 6-8 slaves rendering a very simple particle sequence, and the renders are so fast (less than 1 sec), that so many frames are returning to Renderama at once that it seems to choke it and produce this crash. Then I quit all the Cameras and Slaves, relaunch the slaves and Renderama, and it would pick up from the crash point and continue.

    But if I only turn on 1-2 slaves, this hardly happens, and when the particle sequence gets more complicated and takes longer to render, things would be fine.


  4. Thanks for the comments.

    It was GI w adaptive sky map and 2 or 3 RT soft shadow casting lights. And lots of blurred reflections.

    No photons, not enough RAM, not until we have 64 bit Camera. And 64 bit Animator would be nice, but probably will take quite a while if at all possible.


  5. Here is a EI render of a recent job I did for Alonzo. We rendered a whole bunch of shots of the Mini Cooper Countryman.

    Because of the large dataset, most of them were done with 64bit Modo, only the interior shot is done in EI, because I can delete all the exterior parts and anything not visible to the camera.


  6. Thanks, I wanted to have fur on the head of a talking donkey. Does not have to be super realistic, but a donkey head w/o fur will not look right. Not sure if placer deposit is still being updated. We have to do this in Intel Mac and v8 and also renderama compatible. Or do the job in some other 3D software...

  7. Similar things has happened to me also. I did realize 1 thing. Sometimes we might have tons of textures and models scattered in different drives and some on thumb drives without we realizing. When you eject a volume with a needed texture/model, Rama will crash with no warning.

    Of course the other thing is a volume can be full. When you have 8 slaves on different drives and more on different machines, it can be very hard to keep track of free space left on drives. My data sets are often multiple gig in size. Add to that, for some reason, sometimes a the slave folder would contain multiple versions of the same data under different IP address named folder, taking up even more space not to mention wasted time to transfer the same data each time you render.

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