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Everything posted by BJMonkey

  1. Doesn't that add 4 extra polygons per page though?
  2. Doesn't that add 4 extra polygons per page though?
  3. I'd like to have a "like" button for the forums.
  4. I'd like to have a "like" button for the forums.
  5. If it will be composed onto a background, I will need to see the final composition to say whether it looks realistic or not. With a real table to compare it to visually can make a big difference.
  6. If it will be composed onto a background, I will need to see the final composition to say whether it looks realistic or not. With a real table to compare it to visually can make a big difference.
  7. I think, left against a black background, it's good enough. I may antialias it though, but I assume it has a mask?
  8. I think, left against a black background, it's good enough. I may antialias it though, but I assume it has a mask?
  9. First and foremost, I would like to say this is amazing... I have to say, personal taste tells me I actually really enjoy the look of the noise from low ray-count in the renders :D Also, adding a tiny bit of Sub Surface Scattering would really bring the columns that little bit more realism... But sometimes EIAS's implementation can be a little tricky to get the right effects. As for your sculpting, that is superb... I love seeing people making real sculptures still... But, you have to try learning pixologic's Z-Brush. Your comment about 'there's no way I could make this digitally' kinda made me cringe a little :P A quick google brought up a Z-Brush sculpt... and tutorial! http://www.scott-eaton.com/2008/upcoming-tutorial If you can sculpt like this with clay... With a little practise, you could be making things even better, more quickly, the digital way... Look at me sounding like a sales-man. :blush:
  10. Cool, you understand now? Would that be a nice feature for version 9? Or is that far too late by now? :D
  11. You mean add the reflection map to each object individually? But what if you want to change the reflection on all of the objects at once, but keep the blur amount different? You have to change each one manually, right? I frequently test different reflection maps to see which one looks best, and it can be quite tiresome changing each object's reflection each time. Something like the attatched would be cool...
  12. Yes, I would like to use the blur in Electric Image. This yields more control and flexibility (if slower rendering times... but I love the flexibility :D) And what I have been doing to fake blurred reflections, is to add the same reflection map to each reflective object and then blur each one, as each object requires varying levels of blur. Problem is, if I decide to use a different reflection map, I have to change it in every object I added it to, which can get a bit laborious. So it would be nice if each reflective object referenced the global map, but could set its own blur, strength, samples etc. on that referenced map. Do you get what I mean?
  13. Oh, yes I understand block distance. But if I were to use 2 lights which were each the same size as the window, that removes the block distance calculation required when using only a single light. So my mind told me that it would be faster to use 2 lights and no blocking. But yeah, I have used block distance a few times and it makes a considerable difference :) I look forward to seeing the other additions you have made with the new systems :D
  14. Cool, thanks, that's good to know.. The reason I asked is because I generally use 2 lights thinking it's faster because it removes the block calculation. It was nothing about artistic-ness in this case, just speed :)
  15. Is there a way to change the filtering of the global reflection on a per-object basis? It would be awesome to be able to, so that I can just change the global reflection while faking blurred reflections to various degrees, only increasing the sampling level on objects where it's needed.
  16. Is it more efficient to use one light with block than to use 2 lights?
  17. But luminance can't go above 1 either, so would that allow for bright reflections? I want to be able to, for example, set reflectivity to 0.1, and have a bright white reflection from the light... As you can get using HDRI reflections. (Can't find my dongle, and I've been too busy to do a through search... I really hope we can have software keys sometime...)
  18. Ah, sorry. I mean for lights with glow... The round glow you get with spot lights. Do you mean with object glows? Are they reflectable? At the moment if you have a light with full glow and you want to reflect it (to get a nicer looking specular) unless the object has pretty high reflect settings (which will obviously reflect everything other than the glow as well, more than I'd like), the glow's reflection looks pretty dull. I'll make a mock-up when I can find my dongle... Stupid thing.
  19. Is there a way to make light glows higher than 1? This is actually something I've wanted for a long time... But never thought to ask. This would be very useful for reflections, and I assume possible now that HDRIs are useable, and there for reflecting a value of more than 1. High values of glow brightness would allow more realism in objects with low reflection values.
  20. On the page it says... Konkeptoine Proxy 1.5 WindowsMacUniversal 50.00 But when you go to checkout it's $50. Which is it? :)
  21. Everything displayed would be nice, in fact. Shaders, bump, transparency etc.
  22. Or you can just UV map the pipe... If it's just a pipe, it should be pretty easy.
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