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Everything posted by RichardJoly

  1. You are a very patient man Bill. I know a couple of programmers who would love all users where like that...:rolleyes:
  2. I'm pretty sure many outstanding artists out there feel the same way about their work. Your playground is not Avatar's environment but need not to be. I'm sure your client was amazed and satisfied. You would be surprised how many users might be inspired by your post for it depict a real job. Well done.
  3. Right but any bridge to other packages is also a blessing. The RealFlow Plugin comes to mind... And yes, like most things we don't have full control over, they bring their share of bitching... Improving interchange is still essential.
  4. Nice nige! Any closeups to share? We see July 2009 on the image, was it used for the proposal, subsequent promotional stuff, web?
  5. The sound is still clear so let it play a while more... I agree this would be nice but they have a small army of programmers working on it while we don't, it could prove difficult to keep up. Still, smoke, water... mmm, tasty. Maybe for us, in a close future, better FBX and Collada import/export? Could help bridge the apps.
  6. Very nice Craig! What's the ocean made with? Please don't say water...
  7. Very nice, thanks for sharing. You also did the music? Again, impressive, most impressive...
  8. Craig, Have you tried using the slave from the Website? It apparently helped some users. http://eitechnologygroup.com/support/downloads http://www.eitechnologygroup.com/forums/viewthread/1227/
  9. Hi Igors, I don't thing Juanxer meant simple as "easy to do" but simple as "with a simple interface" or "simply doing text". MrFont is doing 3D text and I understood Juanxer suggested a tool to enter text to be printed on a group as a map without going to Photoshop to create it. Juanxer, correct me if I'm wrong. Igors, very few people here knows what it represent to code something like that but I doubt any of it is simple.
  10. You kinda can... I keep my grayscale and only save as EXR when using the plugin.
  11. Mmm, I could use that... Vectors, closeups... Wonder how difficult this could be to implement.
  12. Hi Matt As this Web site is not completed, you can see the latest Camera specs here: http://eitechnologygroup.com/products/eias_camera
  13. Nice! Did you modelled a cross section or used Tailor Tool?
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