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Everything posted by AVTPro

  1. Hey guys, I did a very quick quadcopter shoot using my DJI Phantom and rendered a few frames of a logo in EIAS.
  2. Thanks for checking it out Kurt. I was concerned about the links.
  3. I am honored to share this "Making of" article of Stork Commercial I worked with Project Supervisor Hal Meyers. Hal is also a renowned Magician with is perfect for adding Magic to 3D illusion of animation in ElectricIMage. . Well, read the article. You see...if your eyes are quick enough ;-) https://vimeo.com/75346721 Article is here. https://www.facebook.com/download/166064143593474/THE%20STORK%20Story%20v.3.pdf
  4. Wow! Thanks for the kudos Hal. I knew how happy were with the project and expected you to write a quick note to Tomas but I didn't expect such a dynamic review. I really enjoy your "Electric Enthusiasm" for EIAS3D. It made working through the complexities of this project very palatable and fun. I also learn a lot from your creative business savy and can see why you are so successful in what you do. I only worked on the rigging animation, you are your team did a wondeful job with the final project. I can't wait until you show it. I know Tomas ask for an article on the project and I can tell by your review here it's going to be worth the wait. Looking forward to it. And anytime you need a rigtech I'm here. ..by the way...Thanks for the extra bonus on the project. You you said you appreciate my help, you really mean it. GTG. Much Success AVT
  5. I haven't done animation in unity3D yet. I only exported a few models with textures. I don't think EIAS exports animation to Unity, but if you are using MDD, Colada, or FBX you should can with that.
  6. Looks Real. Congrats on your upgrade.
  7. You have a couple of options and they are not very complex. 1. I have FK Spine tutorial that I sell for $45. I can look for it if you want to purchase it via PayPal. It focuses only the FK Spine which can also be used for tails and snakes and such. I don't usually show in my character animation DVDs because it's a little more work than just a basic character rig. I'll need a minute to find it. 2. The FK Spine that I did is base on the Natural Spine tutorial which was free. I don't know there that is. It's not a difficult set up, it just takes a little more time. 3. You can do it IK spine as well. If you are interested, I can a IK and FK spine tutorial just for tails $85. 4. I can do a full Quadrupad if I have 6 pre-orders. 5. There's a free AVTPro ReadyRigs Saleman Rig that has the FKSpine Rig which you can just pull it out and use as is. However, just to help. What you need to do is make a simple 3 bone chain with IK or FK position constraints, Then make smaller bones with rotation constraints. It should look like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01r6et2bQSc
  8. Don't know if I ever posted this. ;-) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-DCvd5zlzI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-DCvd5zlzI
  9. In your email, you may want to let me know if you have an immediate project or rig if you need technical support in resolving it. If it's something that you just need me to rerig for a project. I am also available for freelance if you need help with a project deadline. Either way, and bit of personal support is available to you once you purchase the DVD(s).
  10. Hi. My email address is AVTPro5@mac.com. Thanks. AVT
  11. I'm glad the free tutorial on Zbrush was helpful. I have been doing a bit of hard body surface modeling in Zbrush and I make the high resolution models low res so it can be animated. Here's some sample WIPs. The low resolution with the normal maps and/or displacement maps means it's very animation ready geometry.
  12. Definitely particles and then treat them in After Effects. Not just one 3D solutions but 2D plus 3D like Tomas mentioned.
  13. Thanks Kikems, I hope to do more soon. I would like to do Quadrupeds and Robots! ;-)
  14. If you're making a bunch of mistakes you're on your way to being a rig artist. But I created a couple of DVDs so that the process will be less painful and fewer mistakes. Whenever anyone buys my DVDs I give them technical support on any project they're working. That would be a long term solution, For short-term quick help you can either post pics here so i can see where the problem is, or send me the file and I'll take a quick look. The DVDs are $85 each you should get the first one because that explains all the preliminary problems you may have. My email is AVTPro5@Mac.com Much success AVT
  15. I did a more complex robot in EIAS for PUMA a few years ago. So many parts, over 200. Double IK, Tubes. EIAS is better if you want to get things done quickly. http://www.adweek.com/adfreak/puma-s-robot-working-overtime-holidays-16482 Eventhough I have a high interest in RED Camera and Animation, I'm just going to focus on modeling for a couple of months now that I spent so much time rigging and client works to make a living.
  16. You guys know I love EIAS, Zbrush and Maya. Here's a tutorial I did about face sculpting with Zbrush. here's a Mech character I'm working on that's all Zbrush. I hope to do a robot rig in EIAS...maybe after the new release. https://www.facebook.com/groups/AVTPro3D/
  17. Last call for "Back2School" Sale with the ReadyRigs "SkinMan" Rig and "DeformerRig" DVD for $120. It will be going back up to $85 each soon as October Hits. Get it while the getting is GOOD!!! ;-)
  18. Thanks Kbitz...definitely going with Mocha.
  19. Since we are also talking about spybots here. Anybody removing tracking markers? What's your quickest app to do this? i have used Shake and AE to do either QuickPaint or Slip Mask but I would like a faster combo of the two. Maybe something like a track paint.
  20. You may need to use a modeler. I think most modelers have a poly reduction feature that allows setting the outline and the surface reduction. I use Zbrush Deceminator (as it is call decimation by other apps) or Maya modeler.
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