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Posts posted by tigermountain

  1. Hey Tomas,

    EIAS will always have a place in my fond memories, as I was a user since 1996... if future events bring it to the fore I will definitely look again... it's a great piece of software with a lovely clean renderer, but compatibility with other companies is a main reason for switching. And Octane/GPU rendering : )

    All the best,


  2. Hi all

    I've got a licence for EIAS v9.1 for sale. $450 ONO. Longtime EIAS user but have (regretfully) transitioned to C4D. I also own antiqua, mrs bebel and encage plugins (although I'm not sure if I can include those?). Dongle is included (see attachment).

    Contact me if interested at: rory dot cubby (at) gmail dot com.




  3. Hi there all;

    Anyone have a fix for the issue seen here - the caustics is flickering a lot. There's only a single light with a photon density of 1. Yes I know that's low - but it renders fast and gives a nice blur on stills. but the issue is clear when animated. I have a big scene with lots of objects (dynamics) so don't want to crank up the density too high as it takes a lot longer to render. Also it just gives a fine flickery grain rather than a blobby one- the flickering is still there. Anyone with experience in this effect please let me know if there's some good settings that you've found. 

    Also any advice on blurry global reflection maps? I'm using a blurry hdri but can't seem to get it to render without artifacts...

    Many thanks



  4. Thanks Tomas looking forward to it!

    - Updated FBX support would be good

    - The import seems a bit quirky when you have multiple figures (eg if you copy a base rig and model, retarget the skin to the copied model, then import a bvh to it, sometimes the motion still gets applied to the original rig).

    All the best


  5. NOTE - looping / combining anims is not available in mixamo but lots of the standing poses (which I'm looking at) seem to return to a neutral position so can be edited/combined by opening the bvh in a text editor and copy-pasted. Fun!

  6. Hi Tomas and fantomaz;

    Do you have any simple workflow suggestions for MIXAMO > eias? EG, do I build / rig completely in mixamo (inc upload my own model if I can't find one to suit on  mixamo) and export as FBX or is it better to export bvh? I am not so experienced in mocap/character workflow. A simple 1-2-3 would be much appreciated and I am sure would be useful for other too!

    Many  thanks!

    OK just found this vid tuturial Mixamo>EIAS: a bit old but hopefully still relevant - thanks Bruce!

    (It won't allow me to paste the url so just replace the (dot) with a dot.)

    https://vimeo (dot) com/groups/eias/videos/54760288


  7. Hi there;

    In the distant past I remember setting up a material that would let an object with the material applied 'punch' an alpha hole through the scene - the material would occlude other objects behind it and render the object as an empty hole. But for the life of me I can't remember how to do it. Are there any limitations (eg GI) on this method?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.


    EDIT: Ha I found it - set diffuse mask to 1.0. Easy!

  8. Hi Tom;

    I would but it's only allowing an upload of 360k.... and won't accept a .zip.

    I went about it another way in the end (just rotated them one by one), but still be good to solve for future reference. So let me know how I can upload a bigger file and I'll post the project.... it's only 700k 



  9. Hi All;

    I have an issue with deformation as follows:

    I have an animated fan effect using a bunch of cylinders in a row, and a parent cylinder along the bottom with an animated twist deformation applied. The animation looks good - the cylinders fan out one by one as they should, but they all have a small but noticeable wobble or shake caused by the twist deformation, as though they are fighting against the rotation. See attached image of the (very simple) setup.

    They all have their centre points set to their bases and are set to not inherit deformation (as I just want the movement not any warping)

    Is this a known issue and is there a fix or workaround anyone can think of?




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